This list is developing, and we are adding results as we receive them. Stay Tuned!
Nautilus Institute once again ran the DEF CON CTF final event at DEF CON 31 in Las Vegas in conjunction with our friends over at LiveCTF. At the end of three straight days of hacking, the Maple Mallard Magistrates were able to successfully defend their title from last year. Congratulations again to them and the other teams that qualified for and played in our finals! We hope to see all of you back again next year.
If you’re interested in seeing the stream from the LiveCTF mini-tournament that was hosted as a “challenge” within our game, please check out the links on the LiveCTF website.
The full, final classification of all the teams is below:
1 Maple Mallard Magistrates 9801
2 Blue Water 7428
3 TWN48 6756
4 hypeboy 5794
5 StrawHat 5465
6 Norsecode 5415
7 P1G_BuT_S4D 5393
8 SuperDiceCode 5315
9 Orgakraut 4753
10 mhackeroni 4562
11 Shellphish 4280
12 Undef1ned 4152
The HAS4 - Hack-a-sat results
Black Badge Contest
1. mHACKeroni: $50k
2. Poland can into space: $30K
3. jmp fs: [rcx]: $20K
DC 31 Toxic BBQ Stats
600 Hackers
600 burgers
400 hotdogs
98 degrees
10 racks of ribs
2 briskets
2 gallons of sauce
and several smokin’ hot butts
Thanks for letting us entertain vets and n00bs alike year after year.
Battle of the Bots
1) Reznok 2) Space Cats 3) OCE_IS_BEST
Embedded CTF results

1. Savage Submarine - 16050 points
2. ierae - 13750 points
3. cWave - 12050 points
Pic of our SB with top 15:

Darknet NG
Darknet NG is a ARG where we send you to learn skills to get in-game points for it.
We have a rotation of challenges so there is always new things to learn. Encouraging beginners to get involved with the community. We also sent new players to the Tamper-evident village, the Ham radio village, Lockpicking village, and the Soldering village.
We had over 293 badges logged
Tied for first place:
Theflin is second place
Bokonon is third place
You want to learn more? Go check out our website at
We're looking forward to seeing everybody next year.
PhishStories Winners
Ruler - rrunner
Jester - birdbird
Wizard - danmulvey
The Chess Tournament at DEF CON
The Chess Tournament at DEF CON had over 100 players. Only one remained undefeated. The three trophy winners choose to remain anonymous. Thank you to the Las Vegas Chess Center for running the show!
Generative Red Team Winners
510 points, 21 challenges.
440 points, 19 challenges.
330 points, 17 challenges.
Top TEN - Name, Points, Challenges
cody3 510 21
440 19
350 16
330 17
280 12
280 14
270 9
240 8
240 9
haupt 240 12
Mar’s Lanyard Puzzle
(Video from Mar to come soon )
Collecting all lanyards:
Artist - Chi̱
CFP - fi̱̱ʋʋi̱xch
Community - ya̱ il
Contest - achakʋli
Exhibitor - tukʋt e
Goon - chim
Human - anoli
Press - chi̱
Speaker - hosh
Uber - e chi̱ (was in a slide in my talk)
Vendor - paha̱ya
Village - tuk
"Chi̱ fi̱̱ʋʋi̱xch ya̱ il achakʋli tukʋt e chim anoli chi̱ hosh e chi̱ paha̱ya tuk."
One word is not in Choctaw. It's:
Using a Caesars cipher shifted by number of lanyards, and the Choctaw alphabet, you get:
Online decoders won't work because there is no character for the underlined i (nasalized i), which is an extra little trick that breaks it and gets people to decode it by hand.
Translate the Choctaw and you get, roughly:
"We've been trying to reach you about your extended warranty."
Enter that in to (on the back of your badge) and it gives you a rainbow tile for the mosaic.
RF CTF Results

Capture the Packet
1st - ChatCTP
2nd - crash
3rd - KnightSec
Scav Hunt
1: Missing Defcon Badges
2: uhhhhhhhhhh
3: the cringey potloodventers
Cloud Village CTF
Below are our CTF stats:
• Team Registered: 234
• Players Registered: 425
• 12 challenges in total
• Maximum Possible Points - 4000
• Most solved: "Gnome University": 89 solves
• Least solved: "GNOME Corp": 2 solves
• Correct Flag submissions: 425
• Wrong Flag Submissions: 288
Top 3 teams:
Team Name: ierae
Team Members: ytn, tyage, Ark, mage, 328, cryptopeg, tote, sho, no1zy, whoami
Team Name: The Gems
Team Members: danielxt7, konix, Maayan Bentor, panchock, mikibe, ItayHarel, ncohen, InonHold, gemi
Team Name: murphy'sL@w
Team Members: nintendo, ChopperBZ, schemingpotato, githound, bui, tempest, n4pw01f
Red Alert ICS CTF at DEFCON 31
Black Badge Contest
What a weekend it's been! Amazing participation for RED ALERT ICS CTF at
DEF CON 31 with a total of 108 Teams!
Congratulations to all the winners our CTF!
1. ScreamingFist : 2000 points
2. tesuji : 1700 points
3. Golden_Life_Gang : 1500 points
The Gold Bug Contest final results
Winner: oce_best - all puzzles solved, 1600 points
246 teams registered - both in person and virtual participants
79 teams successfully completed puzzles and submitted flags to the system
2655 total answer submissions
40 teams completed 3 or more challenges earning themselves a physical
copy of the first edition GoldBug Puzzle Magazine
Of those teams, 30 completed at least 2 more challenges to earn the
limited edition Acrylic GoldBug SAO.
The winning team - oce_best - takes home the coveted GoldBug trophy.
-Cryptok & TSeven

Adversary Wars CTF
Abx from Adversary Village
Number of challenges:
20 challenges in Adversary Emulation and purple teaming.
1st place
Team name: CTF.SG
Captured 16 flags
2nd Place
Team name: sleepy
Daniel, Gregor and Mike
Captured 14 flags
3rd place
Team name: HicAutemYeehaws
Wombat, begelbytes, desblock
Captured 9 flags
Consolation place:
Team name: Encore
Captured 4 flags

Lonely Hard Drive - winners
We had 15 possible points, 10 levels and 5 bonus flags.
Our winner managed to get all levels and 4/5 bonus flags.
Ties are broken by time-stamps.
1st: Jikkou - 14 points
Discord: ______________.______________
2nd: [DFEND] imateam 13 points
Discord: 404pgnotfound
3rd: sohstxetx 13 points
Crack Me If You Can
In the Pro category:
3rd place: achondritic
2nd place: Cynosure Prime
1st place: Hashcat
In the street category:
3rd place: StrongWind
2nd place: UNSHADE
1st place by a landslide: Users
Result graphs tracking points over time are available at
IOT Village CTF
The IoT Village CTF Has found our two contest prize winners:
1st place: pwnee
2nd Place: Insanely Organized Thieves

? Cube results
1. Megadoomer 100%
2. 5tr4ng3rs 88%
3. Team name 82%
Glowing puzzle Box, much frustrate.
Car Hacking Village CTF:
Black Badge Contest
1st - ; (semicolon)
2nd - canucks
CHV contest has been evolving over the past few years with harder problems and more participation than any of the past years! We've had on average 100 players the last two years, and this year we've had 170. And the top teams were only 1-3 solves away from each other, it was close for everyone!
Red Team CTF
1) AIGenerated
2) Adragos
3) France @ DEFCON31

pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Starphish
1st: asmhole
2nd: Manually Tweaking Some Input
3rd: Team Name
First team to detonate the bioreactor: Sneeds feed and seed (formerly chucks)
-team pTFS
Winners: GhirdaGoons
Character Kal won the defcon MUD, he made it to level 27 which is unheard of.
• Mayco
• nuclearKitty
• DroneAmplified
SE Community CTF
Black Badge Contest
1 Arty Boy 🏆1,298 2 DOOM 1,133 3 Mr. Hackermen 1,132
Fun Statistics:
●818 H00mans Registered
●574 H00mans Verified by 5n4ck3y
●🎶 has the least solves with 6 solves
●🌯 has the most solves with 335 solves
●Peak Wait in 5n4ck3y LineCon 2.5 Hours
●Peak Service Time every 22 seconds
●1066 Vend Codes Entered (762 Valid)
●5n4ck3y weighs 669 lbs empty, 750lbs loaded
●136 lbs of Badges & SAOs Vended
First Place

DC’s Next Top Threat Model
1. Jo3Ram
2. lovelydreamer
3. cablepull
noz - DCNTTM Lead
Black Badge Contest
A team has successfully assembled the medallion and CURED CONFLU! CONGRATULATIONS TO TEAM CaMeLcAsE fTw!
1st place: CaMeLcAsE fTw
2nd place: Dungeons and Daddies
3rd place: Murder Hobos
Here are some stats:
57 teams registered
20 teams made it to the City of Five Ages, the rest got TPK'd.
One team actually found the dungeon!
10 teams made it to Dungeon Crawl, the rest TPK'd.
4 teams were neck-and-neck for final solve.
Recon CTF
Total Registered Players: 248
Total Registered Teams: 142
Total Points Achievable: 2465
Winning Team Score: 895
Winning Teams:
1. Pinja
2. AtomicChonk
3. Pheonix

Recon Aacharya Subdomain Collection Contest
Winner - DomainTools
Total Submissions - 23 Million
Total Seed Domains - 15,000
Total Teams Registered - 66
Winners are judged on the basis of Valid and Invalid submissions.
All data will be published and shared with the community.
Black Badge Contest
The winners are "the Right Honourable Duke Shadwell, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and his uncommonly large hound", with 2707 points, defeating Kernel Poppers with 2341 points
Hack3r Runway
Functional wear- Kelly's convertible cocktail evening gown with faraday lining
Smart Wear - Arty's iBoot with color change based on pressure
Digital wear - Chibi's SenB0t
Aesthetic wear - Joy EVIL's Info Hazard green look
Last year's trophy winner entered the competition but lost her title this year in both the smart wear and the People's choice categories.
People's choice trophy winner was won by Kelly's convertible cocktail evening gown
Pub Quiz at DEF CON
First, I want to save we had a great time. The event was very successful, and we reached our max of 30 TEAMS!! That put us to at least to 200 people which was a great turn out. People came up and said they have a great time and goons came up as well that it was a great one. I am very happy to have been given the opportunity to host this contest/event. We are definitely putting in our submission to host another Pub Quiz for next year.
I also want to thank Secove and ChrisAM for making sure we got what we needed and pointing us to the right direction. They were valuable to making sure it went smoothly. Also, to the crew that was there that night. THEY did a fantastic job on getting us setup and I am truly grateful for their hard work.
As for the Result we had a tie for first place that was broken by a dance off to Sir Mix-a-lot Baby Got back. I had three goons help me and Glav judge and we came to a 4 to 1 for that 1st place. Below are the results which I will post on the forum as well.
1st place was TEAM _oblivouse_ for the $1,000 Cash prize

2nd place was TEAM Chicken Fingers for the $300 Cash prize

3rd place was TEAM Footclan for the $200 Cash prize