- #686EA0 | Pantone 7668C
- #81C8BD | Pantone 564C
- #ECDA25 | Pantone 604C
- #F8A28B | Pantone 1625C
DEF CON 31’s theme started with a quote and a picture.
The image is DEF CON’s own Grifter looking neon dapper in his ‘Guy Fawkes After Dark’ hoodie. Beyond serving some extra smooth FSociety vibes, the image has a resonance with the current moment. The backdrop is darkness, but the protagonist is lit from within. The figure is not alone, although it might seem so at first glance.
We live in vexatious times. The pace of change seems to escalate every day. The amount of information we must ingest, assimilate and resolve has never been higher, and that rate of change is having tectonic effects. Is it because we are more aware? It’s never been harder to imagine what the world will look like to the next few generations.
There are three possible responses to moments like this. We can retreat into an idealized past of simpler times where we were less aware, we can become frozen in our present or we can adapt and ride the shockwave into the future.
Which brings us to the quote.
‘We are living through a revolt against the future. The future will prevail.’
This DEF CON is about the future we want to bring into being, together. DEF CON’s hacker community has a powerful role to play in whatever comes next, From hardware to policy, from biohacking to satellites.
The skill set of hackers - reckless curiosity, the drive to know how systems work and a vision that sees beyond what a thing is and into what it could be after its pesky warranty is voided - is more important now than its ever been.
As you work on your various projects, keep in mind that the future is undefeated, and it belongs to the resourceful, the brave and most of all to those who can see around the corner of what is and what might be.
Books: Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Movies: Brazil, *****ren of Men, Elysium