DEF CON 32 Call for Villages

Call for Villages is Now Closed

Announcing the DEFCON 32 Call For Villages!

DEF CON 31 was an awesome year, but we are ready to do it all again and make it even better!! We have already begun planning DEFCON 32 and will be announcing accepted content on the DEFCON Forums.

If you are interested in hosting a village at DEFCON, here are some requirements you should know up front:

  • The deadline to submit is February 1, 2024.
  • Must abide by the DEFCON official rules and policies. (Code of conduct, Privacy,Press rules, Sponsorships, etc.) Villages should be staffed appropriately with hackers that are vetted by your village leads.
  • Village hours of operation should match con hours: Friday & Sat 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday 10:00 to 14:00, and be open to any DEFCON attendee with a badge.
  • Villages can not be "pay to play", and you can't sell items, have vendors, sponsor exhibit tables, or peddle wares. If you want to sell something, you must coordinate sales with [email protected] to be pre-approved. Be aware you will need to comply with Nevada state tax laws.
  • Space is limited and highly competitive. You will need to use your space wisely and meet any safety and logistical requirements as requested by the venue.

To apply, please paste the form below into the body of an email, fill it out, then send to [email protected].

After you submit, someone from DEFCON villages will respond to your application that it's been received within 3 business days. If you don't hear from us something went wrong, please send another message, check your spam filters, reach out, etc. Pro tip: most of the time we’re in your spam box.

Deadlines required for acceptance
DEF CON 32 will be held August 8th-11th, 2024. If accepted I, (insert primary applicant's name), will meet the following deadlines and understand that if I do not my the village could be revoked.If accepted:

  • April 1st, 2024 — Art/Logo, Website & Program data due.
  • April 1,2024 — Discord requests are due. (add or remove channels) Please note villages participating on discord are expected to be self sufficient, monitor their areas, and report problems to the discord moderators. Any Village contest held on Discord is not eligible for any official DEFCON awards. (Uber badges, aka Black Badges)
  • May 1st, 2024 by 12:00 — Equipment requests due. Unless approved otherwise DEFCON will provide the following basic setup. I understand that I am responsible for providing all other necessary equipment to host my village.
        ○ 1 to 5 tables based on our assessment of your needs.
        ○ 1 power drop with 1 power strip.
        ○ Wireless Internet.
  • June 1st, 2024 — NOC network requests due. Wired network drops need pre-approval and are granted on a limited basis.
  • June 15, 2024 by 12:00 — any bonus content, code, or supplemental material you'd like included for publication on the DEFCON media server, to be released Thursday of the conference.
  • Thursday August 8th — Permission granted to villages to set-up, village badges assigned as needed.
  • August 8th-11th — DEFCON is on!
  • Sunday August 11th by 13:00 — village results need to be provided before closing ceremonies.
  • August 16th— Detailed village stats or walkthroughs, for display on the DEFCON website are due. If applicable, I will submit any updated, revised or additional materials to include on the DEFCON media server.

Thanks for helping grow DEFCON with new opportunities to help others learn and expand their knowledge. We hope that it was an enjoyable experience for those who have previously participated and we’re looking forward to continuing to grow with the Community!

Thank you and good luck!


Please paste the form below into the body of an email, fill it out, then send to [email protected]

Special Note:
We request that applications are in plain text to avoid formatting errors. Please do not submit applications in .pdf, .odf, or any other formats or your review may be delayed. Additional supporting materials that may aid in the selection process can be attached and included in other formats. Do not delete questions that do not apply to your village, instead mark them as N/A. Applications with deleted questions will be evaluated as incomplete.

Point of Contact Information

Official Village Name:

Primary Organizers Name
Email address:
Social Media account:

Secondary Organizers Name:
Email address:
Social Media account:

Anyone else vital to your team we should CC:

If you are accepted, do you consent to inviting the primary & secondary contacts to the official DEF CON planning projects on "Basecamp"? We will use the email addresses you included on your application (unless stated otherwise) Yes/No


Does your village have Sponsors?
If applicable, who are they?
If applicable, what have you agreed as a concession for their sponsorship?

Village Details

Is this a new or returning Village?
Please provide your village's, if available:
Please provide the official web address/URL for your village if available
Are you planning to have talks, contests, or events? [1]

Anything else we should know in consideration of accepting your village?

Are you planning on selling things?[3]

Do you plan to host your content on the DEFCON Discord?
If applicable, what are you planning on hosting on the DEFCON Discord?
If applicable, what time slots are you planning on hosting on the DEFCON Discord?

[1] (This is just FYI for the Village department; it will be used to make sure coordination happens. Note: All CONTESTS and EVENTS will have to be submitted and approved separately by CONTESTS and EVENTS).
[2] Please provide a full description of your village (used for Art, Marketing, Announcements, et al.). We'd like your description to provide attendees with a sense of why they should check you out. How will you or your village contribute new hacker perspectives to the content at DEFCON? How does it relate to hacking? What will they be able to do?
[3] If you are planning on selling things there are separate tax and business documents that need to be submitted to Janet by May 1st, 2024.


How many defcon village badges do you *think* you may need?[1]

What, if any, equipment needs do you need to discuss or arrange?[2]

How many network drops do you require?[3]

Do you have special signage requests or signage questions?

Do you plan to host an event that will need food & drink, in your village, privately, etc?[4]

Are you looking for a spot for your company to meet/party? (Yes/No)

Do you have an event coordinator?

If applicable, please provide contact information for your event coordinator

[1] Village badges are granted based on size of village, scope/depth of content. Village badges should be reserved for those working in your village. Village badges will permit authentication into the village area during setup and closing hours when attendees are not permitted entry. Note: If you will have 6 people working your village table please request 6 village badges. Human badges are granted case by case.
[2] Power strips, Tables, mics, speakers, projectors, etc
[3] Before making expensive drop requests, please research our exceptional DEFCON Networking, it may already meet your needs. Network drops are granted case by case basis. Stats for DEFCON 31 are available here:
[4] Food & Beverage, Catering (No outside Food & Drink are allowed)

Floor Plan

DEF CON will make all best efforts to provide your village with what it needs within reason. Just let us know what you envision and we can start working together to see what is possible, both logistically and economically. Give us a rough sketch/impression of your desired village layout. It can be included as an attachment with this application or emailed separately to [email protected].

Note: For example three 8ft tables in a triangle shape, two 6ft tables, enough tables for 18 players on laptops, etc. (You could take it a step further and sketch it out, or be fancy using draw.IO or equivalent.)


If any art, images or logos accompany your village, please include it with your application. (The latest you can submit an updated logo is May 1, 2024. ) The theme for DEFCON 32 will be released on the official DEFCON website, and will include the theme name, fonts, colors palettes, and official logo. Please have them in highest resolution possible (at least 300dpi raster, or vector format), source file is preferred. Acceptable raster (pixel) formats: .tiff, .jpg, .png, .psd. Acceptable vector formats: .ai, .eps, .SVG. Images should be clearly named for your village, example: "". Please don't send "DefconLogo-v.1".

Our policies, including our privacy policy are located here:

DEF CON will provide our standard signage coverage, door signs, inclusion on directional signs. Hung banners are only permitted in select spaces, and may be subject to cost.

Submission Agreements **IMPORTANT**

This section at minimum requires agreements in “Submission Agreement Attestation” and “Press.” The “W8/W9 Terms” section may not be applicable.

Submission Agreement Attestation

If accepted, I (insert primary applicant's name) agree to the full submission agreements in this document, including the notice of copyright use, community commitment, Code of Conduct, deadlines, and remuneration.


• I, (insert primary applicant's name), understand that DEF CON's official Press Liaison & Staff may contact me. I consent to be contacted in order to arrange interviews with the media. My contact information will not be given to third parties without my consent. •
< OR >
• No,I, (insert primary applicant's name), don't want to be contacted by DEF CON's press staff for any reason. Our policies, including our privacy policy are located here:

W8/W9 Terms (if applicable)

I, (insert primary applicant's name), In some very rare cases, may be required to complete a W8 (Non-U.S. Citizen) or W9 (U.S. Citizen) before compensated badges are issued. *You would be notified well in advance if this becomes the case and is a very rare occurrence that happens when a person exceeds normal logistical operating Expenditures.


Failure to read and accept these terms will render your submission incomplete. Please read these carefully. If your village is accepted, you consent to inviting the application contacts to the official DEFCON planning project on Basecamp. We will use the email addresses you included on your application (unless stated otherwise). DEFCON staff, and other village leads would be able to see your email address once you have accepted the invitation. You agree to the full submission agreements in this document, including the notice of copyright use, community commitment, code of conduct, deadlines, and remuneration.

Grant of Copyright Use

I warrant that the above work has not been previously published elsewhere, or if it has, that I have obtained permission for its publication by DEFCON Communications, Inc. and that I will promptly supply DEFCON Communications, Inc. with wording for crediting the original publication and copyright owner.

Community Commitment

DEF CON is a community event and your applications approval means we are endorsing you as the type of people we want to include, promote, and whom belong within the DEFCON community. When someone at DEFCON behaves poorly they should be held accountable, otherwise we both look bad.

When DEFCON pays for fines or property damages it harms the community by reducing what DEFCON can contribute in support of new ideas, events and activities. I understand that DEFCON reserves the right to invoice an itemized bill, when costs occur due (but not limited to) the following: Damage or destruction of property.

Fines and fees billed to DEFCON for any non-compliance to the requests from the venue staff or contracted rules.

Fees for bringing in outside food and drink, damages to the space or property you were assigned, etc.

A logistics guide of what you can't do in the venue will be provided to you by July 1st, 2024 if not sooner.

I understand my village must be inclusive to all members of the DEFCON community. I have read and agreed to comply with DEF CON's Code of Conduct.

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